Thursday, March 12, 2020

How to Back up a Microsoft Access Database

How to Back up a Microsoft Access Database You store critical data in Access databases every day. Have you ever stopped to consider whether youre taking appropriate actions to protect your database in the event of a hardware failure, disaster, or other data loss? Microsoft Access provides built-in functionality to help you back up your databases and protect your organization. You can store the backup file anywhere, be it on an online storage account or just a flash drive or external hard drive. Make an Access Database Backup These steps are relevant to MS Access 2007 and newer, but make sure to follow the instructions that pertain to your version of Access, be it 2010, 2013, or 2016. See how to back up a 2013 Access database if you need help there. Start by opening the database you want to have a backup for, and then follow these steps: MS Access 2016 or 2013 Go into the File menu.Choose Save As and then click Back Up Database from the Save Database As section.Click the Save As button.Choose a name and pick where to save the backup file, and then click Save. MS Access 2010 Click on the File menu option.Choose Save Publish.Under Advanced, select Back Up Database.Name the file something memorable, place it somewhere easy to access, and then choose Save to make the backup. ​MS Access 2007 Click the Microsoft Office button.Choose Manage from the menu.Select Back Up Database under the Manage this database area.Microsoft Access will ask you where to save the file. Choose an appropriate location and name and then click Save to make the backup. Tips: After backing up the Access database, open the backup file in MS Access to verify that it completed successfully.For optimal protection, store a copy of your database backups in an offsite location on a periodic basis. If its a personal database that rarely changes, you might want to put a CD copy in a safe deposit box quarterly. Critical business databases might be backed up to magnetic tape on a daily (or more frequent) basis.Make database backups part of your regular safe computing routine.You may wish to optionally encrypt your database backups if your database contains sensitive information. This is a great idea if you plan to store it remotely.